Day 3 – RFTW 2010, Commitment to the Mission

Standing by the bikes, sun rising, a M25 rider started sharing his heart with me, “Gary, I thought this ride was about riding motorcycles, but I discovered it is the smallest part of the trip…it is about the mission.”  Another first year rider shared the same realization. We ARE on a mission – a mission for the Lord – to be a light, not a mouth and to honor some of our nations finest!

Look at the picture of the man with no legs, bound to a wheelchair, with a motorcycle equipped for his wheelchair and hand operated controls. He is going to ride with us from Los Angeles to Washington DC – commitment to a mission – above and beyond the common man’s comprehension.


Following the rider’s meeting the man who I assured I would pray for his mom, who within two hours her temperature fell from 101 to 98 degrees, stated that she miraculously went home!

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Then at the first ceremony of the day I was asked to pray before the program. It was a bit of a shock but God gave the words to speak. After it was over, a man in fatigues came up and thanked me for using Jesus name in my prayer, and then he ‘saluted’ me. Chaplain Moore was present with a camera and then informed me I was just saluted by a Major — talk about taking someone back.


I am also including a picture of a Gold Star Mom, one who has lost a son or daughter in battle. We have had several of these along the way – how can I ‘NOT’ complete this mission. All I can think about is ‘how would I feel?’ One spoke of not wanting her son forgotten and then expressed deep appreciation for our ‘remembering’.

Chaplain Moore prayed with a couple to have a Christ-centered marriage; Josh Mayfield shared with a man about his grandfather being a Navy Seal and the man returned the next day with a Navy Seal coin for him; and Bo & Debbie Pearson spoke of a young man who was really open to receive prayer due to the “Missing Man” position.


Also attached is a picture of people reading the church’s names on the banner. It was a great joy to watch them stand for a period of time reading. We are making a difference. We have had so many compliments and thank you – so many hugs and blessings passed back at us. One of the ladies reading the banner lost her husband in the past few months and did not know his name was listed – she broke as she stood looking at his name (she is being hugged by a M25 Minister in the picture).

Finally, our churches in El Paso and Odessa did a great job honoring RFTW 2010 with ice water, banners and flags under the direction of James Washman or Poppy as we know him. There were comments from the guys as we came through and then thanks at the next fuel stop.

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