On a hot July morning of 2014 in Key West, FL, about 40 riders fired off their Harley Davidsons or other American made motorcycles just before 0600. All of the riders focused on one thing, who could complete the grueling ride of Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge. Oh there were some that were bent on seeing if they could be the first but many of us were focused on the personal journey of completing the hardest motorcycle ride known to modern man (at least that is what we were told when we completed it at 0200 eleven days later).
For me, it began as a ride as something ‘I wanted to do’, for all the previous rides were done to stand for someone else, for a cause or to serve. Then it appeared it was about supporting a Viet Nam veteran that had become a brother (only to find that he taught me so much about life, perseverance, loyalty and integrity).
Then, as I rode countless hours and miles on two lane roads, slept by my bike in a sleeping bag, no showers and convenient store type food for the most part, things began to change. My heart began to feel the four points of life for the Lakota Sioux, Integrity, Respect, Honor and Compassion.
A stop at the site of the Wounded Knee Massacre totally messed me up.

The heavy truth about a people that have been taken advantage of, pushed around and had a form of Christianity not only pushed down them but forced to adhere to name, location and life changes.
My heart was ‘moved with compassion’ as we rode away. Tears, brokenness bound me to my life’s code, ‘the inability to do nothing’. I reached out to a chief and the Chamber of Commerce president in Pine Ridge, MT but nothing opened.

Then the Lord opened a door through Mountain Family Fellowship and Pastor Paul McElroy in Helena, MT to start giving away a “War Horse” at a Pow Wow the next year. Partnering with Pastor Rick Haug of Living Word Church in Maiden, NC we gave our first horse away in 2017.
Followed by a door of opportunity came to serve the Native Americans at a Pow Wow under the leadership of Pastor / Chief Bruce Plummer in northern, central Montana. We gave a “War Horse” away but our key service was to pickup the mountains of trash from a Pow Wow. It fit with our “Ox Anointing” efforts.
When the Covid pandemic hit the USA in 2020, Brother Plummer called and asked what Mission M25 could do to help the Navajo in western New Mexico. A people that were overlooked not only by our government by their own tribal government.
Joining with Christian Heritage Church in Amarillo, TX under the leadership of Pastor Craig Lawlis and his mandate to “Feed The Need”, we took a semi-load of food and water to a people who had no running water nor electricity.

To date, the three ministries, Montana Indian Ministries, Christian Heritage Church and MIssion M25 have taken twenty five chicken coops and hundreds of laying hens and five trailer loads of food, water and various supplies.

On Oct 4, once again with the partnership of Christian Heritage Church and Mission M25, five old men, 54 to 70 years of age, joined together about 40 miles northwest of Cuba, NM to erect the red iron for a 30’ x 40’ metal building and leaving the metal for the roof and the money for labor to be used by one of their own to assist them in providing for their needs.
The ultimate use of the building is still undetermined, but for now, firewood will be stored in it for the community. Pastor Cory Jones, working with Brother Plummer, found Native Americans burning their furniture in order to keep warm during the cruel winter days and nights in these mountainous regions.
Pastor Craig set aside a portion of money donated to the local church, rather than consuming it all to beautify the facilities or blessing the local people or creating more programs to ‘bless his people’. With a strong commitment to be a blessing, Christian Heritage Church continues to find ways to ‘Feed The Need’, which simply leads them to ‘keep their head on a swivel’ to see needs that align with local provisions.
If you would like to help us in finishing the building, there is a need for approximately $4,000. This money can be mailed to Christian Heritage Church, POB 30309, Amarillo, TX., 79120 or you can text MT25 to 888-364-4483 to give.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at gburd@arn.net or 806-670-9669.
Let me end with this challenge, always have your ‘head on a swivel’ for the Lord to break your heart with pain that will drive you to a small sacrifice. Not only can it meet the immediate need and bring hope to hurting people, it may inspire others to join you and far exceed what you personally could ever do, please observe the progression of this provision from a simple motorcycle ride, even one that began as a selfish motive to a place where people have received provisions from Montana to New Mexico and allowed many people the opportunity to serve.
Maybe you need to be reminded, Matthew 25:31-46 is not a suggestion, it is a commandment with eternal consequences.