RFTW 2008 – Day 8: May 21, 2008

The Red, White and Blue flies high above an overpass on the extended arms of a crane. Below it, standing on the edge looking down on the parade of motorcycles are a host of people holding small Red, White and Blue flags and a banner that says: “THE CHURCHES OF LENOIR CITY, TN SAY THANKS TO THE VETERANS.” We could hear people in the line sharing how the scene blessed them.

Mission: M25 was blessed to share with Pastor David Thompson and his church the dream of the church thanking the veteran for our Freedom of Religion and they activated their community. Pastor Randy Wilson did a great job on both sides of Jackson, MS with banners that stated the same sentiment. Obviously, riding a motorcycle we could not get pictures but we thank the pastors who were involved.

Garnett is a World War II hero who attends “Word of Life Ministries” in Wytheville, VA. He was despondent in 2005 when Mission:M25 first came through the city with RFTW. Pastor Gary Cope asked the team to stop and minister and then the church fed the team. There has been a special connection ever since that event. Garnett found honor for his dedication in serving our great country in the armed forces. He was given a “Hope For The Highway” Bible, which he read completely through. We are always blessed to be back in an area where we’ve connected with someone. Tonight was no different. Garnett would not have it any other way – he had to give us an offering to assist with our gas bill.

One of our team members was a guest via telephone on a radio program in Sampson County, NC. He shared the story of Mission: M25 and our service to Run For The Wall – it is truly a blessing watching the Lord open these doors.

On of our own, Bobby Goodman, was blessed to be involved in a ceremony at one of the war memorial sites this morning. This is a moving experience to watch but even more so when you are involved.

The devotion was filled tonight with Praise to the Lord for the reception we have been given this year on Run For The Wall. It is truly a God thing – we all truly believe this.

Please keep us in your prayers. The miles behind us and the long hours have taken its toll on the team. We truly need your prayers that we finish the course with good spirits for all to see.

Thanks Again For Your Prayers

Gary Burd with World War II Veteran Garnett.

Bobby Goodman (second from left) and several others participate in a special ceremony at a war memorial site.

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