Coalition of Clubs Meet at Christian Heritage Church

Reaching out to ALL bikers / motorcyclist in multiple ways, included hosting the COC (Coalition Of Clubs) and COCI (Coalition Of Clubs Independent) meeting on July 16, 2011 at Christian Heritage Church in Amarillo, TX. The meeting was hosted by Hard CORE M/M (“Hard” soil, City of Refuge Evangelism Motorcycle Ministry).

There were over 150 people present with 14-15 different “patches” (different clubs, ministries or organizations) represented. There have been great changes in the COC / COCI meetings, as it began with a powerful prayer ‘in the name of Jesus’ and the pledge of allegiance including ‘one nation under God’.

The focus of this meeting is defined on their website, as, “Working hard to bring patches together through communication between clubs, improving the image of motorcycling, supporting legislation for the betterment of motorcycling and protecting our rights through the courts to STOP ALL discrimination and harassment! This meeting included ‘patches’ from central and northwest Texas. Some of the news today included a law that stated if there are three bikes riding together, any patch, you could be cited as being a ‘terrorist group’. This would affect all of who ride for ‘good’ causes.

This is the second COC / COCI meeting hosted by Hard CORE M/M in the three years they have been involved but it has taken years to accomplish this level of acceptance. HCMM is involved in the biker community in a multitude of avenues, including one of the largest biker events in the Texas Panhandle area, Toys For Tots and Biker Sunday. This event has taken on a new level for many clubs / ministries in which it is designated as the ‘Nationals’ which means it is a mandatory run. There will be thousands of bikers present, September 24-25, 2011, for this event which will raise over $20,000 worth of toys for little kids for Christmas.

HCMM has two men designated as “US Defenders” who make the bi-monthly meetings, even though it is sometimes quite costly. This is done that we might prove our commitment to the biker community and their efforts to maintain our rights and freedoms.

There was a barbecue meal provided by HCMM on a donation basis. During this meal there were two club presidents get together and ‘work out some differences’ and then shared the meal. This meal is provided to build relationships with men and women who ride motorcycles. Most of these folks will never see the inside of the church but this type of opportunity is huge in ‘BALNAM’ (Be a Light Not a Mouth). From this type of involvement, HCMM has been asked to perform marriages; lead funeral services; visit in hospitals and prisons; do spiritual and family counseling and overall do the work of a pastor. It all comes down to a key Jesus role modeled, ‘mix with those outside of the church and meet their needs’. Matthew 5: 14 “You are the light of the world…..a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone….in the same way, let your GOOD DEEDS shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”

For more information on Biker Sunday visit, and for more information on COC / COCI please visit It is an understood law that no pictures are allowed at this meeting.

Article written by Gary Burd with the assistance by Keith Burd and Dean ‘Gran Fe’ Rivera of Hard CORE Motorcycle Ministry.

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