May 24, 2018, approximately 400 motorcycles, five trucks pulling trailers, rolled into the welcoming parking lot of Falcon’s Children Home! An amazing sight to behold, young people and adults manning USA flags and banners as the worn and weary riders pulled in (they had been on the road for eight days, traveling from Los Angeles). This is the 30th Anniversary of Run For The Wall, a ride to promote healing for the veterans and to hold the USA accountable and say bring the POW / MIA’s (Prisoners of War and Missing in Action) home.

The riders were all greeted with excitement and joy, smiles and hugs and a well organized program. There were refreshments awaiting the riders before we all took our seats.
The program included a welcome by Mr. Joey Leggett; posting of colors by students; a student knocked it out of the park when she sang the National Anthem; an emotional proclamation, read by the Mayor of Falcon, Mr. Clifton Turpin Jr. and a special from the choir of the school.
In the middle of the program they brought up the graduating class of 2018 to be honored by the riders of Run For The Wall. As you seen these students faces, you knew it was scary but yet it was exciting to be honored by so many.
As I meditated what happened that day, the excitement swelled

within my soul. Could it be the Lord is raising up an army that will become like David’s Mighty Men? These were men who were not the ‘prime pickings’ of the normal church or society. These young people have not had an easy path, things have befallen them that no child should have to endure. These students did not be asked to be born to a dysfunctional family. Yes, some of them have made some bad choices, but who among us……..
I began to think of the foundation they are being given. Please follow the path of thought from an old construction worker who has mixed concrete by hand, poured more yards of concrete than I would like to remember and have spent many hours on my knees making it flat and pretty.
The Rocks: These students are gaining a strong foundation on the Rock of our Salvation. Jesus Christ is becoming real to them from the lives of the men and women devoting their life to the Kingdom of God.
The Grit: The sand in the mix that mixes with the rocks to from the base of the foundation. As I reflected on the ‘class rooms’ built from barracks from Fort Bragg in neighboring Fayetteville, NC I could see the heart of the soldier being transferred to the students. The grit that makes you sacrifice, risk your life and develop loyalty to the Kingdom and the King.
The Glue: or the cement that holds the rocks and sand together after the water dries out. I felt the love that keeps things together abounding. There were small gifts from the riders to the students and from the students to the riders. You could not only feel it, you could see it being wiped from the eyes of many present.
The water: of course in a proper foundation, there must be water to ‘seal it’. The Holy Spirit was present and His work could be seen. It is our belief that after the warm feelings of emotions are gone, that the foundation will continue to gain strength.
We will never know for sure if the students received what I just wrote of, however we have hope. If they can gain the strength from this event in one of their dark and lonely days, it will have all be worth any sacrifice made.
Amen Brother Gary. Well said!