Diaper Run – Standing for the King

How dare the enemy, the spirit of death, defy the King of Kings! 

1 Samuel 17:45 David answered, “You are coming against me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the Israelite armies, which you have defied. GNT

Abortion, the evil of this land. This evil that has devalued life and opened the gateway to the culture of death on our land, must be addressed. 

Every time an abortion takes place, we are ‘challenging the sovereignty of God; killing His creation and destroying His image!’ We must find creative ways to take a positive stand in the world and speak of the judgement of ‘innocent blood’ to the church. 

Mission:M25, under the mantra of ‘we have the inability to do nothing’ has just completed it’s fifth trip coast to coast in less than 50 hours, standing against this culture of death. 

With flags bearing the logo from Royal Home Ministries, a ministry that gives young ladies an alternative to abortion and banners on the front of our motorcycles and trucks that say ‘DIAPER RUN’ (which draws attention and question), collecting diapers, baby wipes and cash, we rode from San Diego, CA to Myrtle Beach, SC in 48 hours and 29 minutes. 

The bounty, 189,000 diapers and baby wipes and $51,409.13! 

As great as the bounty, the ‘unseen’ assault on the spirit of darkness that defies the Lord, is the conversations we had coming across the nation. People asking what it meant and being able to tell the story, followed by them reaching in their pocket and giving us money for the cause. One lady asked and when she heard it was about an alternative, not a screaming condemnation, she sat down and shared how at 15 years of age, all alone, not knowing what they were going to do to the 3 month old baby in her womb, she did not know there was an alternative. She ended her conversation pleading with us to continue this fight. 

Fourteen men, spent their resources (paying for their own motel, fuel, food and preparations of their bikes and trucks) and risk their life to stand against this ‘Goliath’ of our land. Riding all night (we took an hour and half nap half way) at 75-80 mph is dangerous but we knew the Lord was with us, just as He was with David. 

We were so blessed to unload a trailer loaded with diapers and baby wipes at Royal Home Ministries! Kudos to Pastor Linda Stanberry of Liberty Christian Center in Midwest City, OK. This church has led the way in gathering diapers and baby wipes and blankets, this year – 99,099! 

To help raise the funds, Pastor Jason Cook challenged Gary Burd, National Director of Mission:M25 to see who could raise the most money. The loser has to wear ‘depends’ in front of the crowd at Harvest Train 2019 in Falcon, NC. We called it Team Pampers (Pastor Cook) and Team Depends (Gary). Team Pampers won hands down!

The finish line in Conway, SC

Finally, one of the huge benefits of this ride, churches across the USA has heard there is a ministry in the church. So many had not heard of this great ministry. One pastor, Marty Alvarado in OKC, was awakened by the opportunity of Royal Home Ministries due to his involvement with the Diaper Run. He has traveled to N. Carolina and participated in Harvest Train, spoke at both Royal Home and Falcon Children’s Home, built a storage building for RHM, traveled to Washington DC and Dallas TX to participate in March for Life. 

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